February 2, 2006

Stage Of Life: A Case Study

Posted in misc, personal at 6:06 am by lugnuthorsefly

My brother-in-law, Mike and I both bought cars on the weekend.

I’m in my mid-thirties. I’m married and have 3 kids. I bought one of these:


Mike is in his mid-twenties, is single and has no kids. He got one of these:


UPDATE: A BMW Z4 might be great for picking up chicks but with the Tarago I can pick up the entire Australian Netball Team!


  1. Helen Cannon–Brookes said,

    It appears that the safety of children is greater than that of adults. Drive safely all of you.

  2. Tora said,

    Where is my new set of wheels???

    sister-in-law, early 30’s, married, no kids, no car !!!

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